Taste of the Wild High Prairie Dry Dog Food is a roasted bison and venison, grain-free recipe with sweet potatoes and peas providing healthy, digestible energy for your active dog. With roasted buffalo as the first ingredient, this diet mimics an ancestral diet free of grains, packed with real meat and supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Taste of the Wild High Prairie delivers antioxidants and vitamins and minerals for a healthy lifestyle with no fillers or by-products.
Your pet still shares the DNA of the ancient canine. While dogs have evolved over time, that taste for fresh meats and high quality natural carbohydrates remains. Taste of the Wild is dedicated to providing premium, grain free recipes based on your pet's ancestral diet. All of Taste of the Wild's recipes rely on ingredients like quality meats and probiotics that maximize the nutritional health benefits for your pets. Each recipe is made with real roasted meats and supplemented with vegetables, legumes and fruits. These grain free recipes provide a superior taste sensation, highly digestible energy and antioxidants to support a healthy immune system. Taste of the Wild is manufactured in the USA to ensure safety and quality. Your pets crave a taste of the wild. Go ahead and give them one. It's the balanced diet that nature intended.
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